Partnerships and engagement with Aboriginal people, strong accountability and culturally responsive working will enable the region to realise a ‘future in which all Aboriginal people, families and communities are empowered to live good lives and choose their own future from a secure foundation’ (Aboriginal Empowerment Strategy 2021-2029).


We are focused on ensuring Aboriginal people have equal opportunity for economic participation through culturally appropriate employment, investment and business. The GSDC understands that promoting opportunities for Aboriginal engagement in the region is a vital part of development in the Great Southern. We aim to strengthen the Great Southern community by empowering Aboriginal communities to determine their own path to health and prosperity.



To promote Aboriginal empowerment and prosperity, our projects encompass a broad range of areas including:

  • Programs to assist participation of Aboriginal people in the economy at a range of points
  • Empowerment, growth and capacity building of Aboriginal enterprises, businesses and community groups
  • Local suppliers for government contracts
  • Opportunities arising from the South-West Native Title Settlement
  • State Government’s Aboriginal Empowerment Strategy implementation
  • Co-design and shared decision-making in economic and service delivery initiatives.
Related industries

Noongar Enterprise

Noongar people continue to engage in commercial and community enterprises in the Great Southern. We encourage a range of initiatives that support growth of Noongar enterprise, thereby strengthening Great Southern communities.